Tomorrow's lesson in minutes.

Create and print beautiful word searches, crosswords, worksheets, bingo cards, and bubble tests.

Done and in your hands in 5 minutes.

Used by the world's smartest teachers

Teachers who use WordMint create beautiful, engaging classroom materials in a fraction of the time. Use the crossword maker to create a fun alternative to the usual quizzes.

Automatically correct our bubble tests using your phone. Save hours of grading time!

WordMint Offers More

WordMint has the most options. We offer all the tools a teacher needs.

500,000+ Pre-made Puzzles

Use a pre-made puzzle as-is, or customize it with your own questions.

Microsoft Word

Export your work as a Microsoft Word document.

Bubble Tests

Scan and grade multiple choice "bubble tests" using your phone.


Save your work as an Adobe PDF file for later printing.

Foreign Languages

Full support for diacritics and languages including Spanish, French, and Japanese.

100,000+ Images

Customize your puzzle using our library of 100,000+ images.

More Types of Puzzle

Create word searches, crosswords, bingo cards, matching worksheets, word scrambles, and multiple choice worksheets.

Convert Between Types

Create a crossword and convert it into a matching worksheet. Create a word search and convert it into a word scramble.

Want to create a puzzle? Get started now.

It's free to get started. Create your own crosswords, word searches, bubble tests, and more.

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